Andy Dubreuil Photography

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Becoming a photographer..

I’ve been living in Bristol for over 30 odd years and originally from London, but my heart is in Bristol. I’ve been a professional photographer for over 7 years now and have a FDA Degree in Professional Photography thats part of Plymouth University, but done at the City of Bristol College, which I’ve just completed.

Doing the degree allowed me to learn more about photography, and help me look and see my potential as a photographer within the industry. Through the course I’ve met some wonderful people and it gave me a chance to play with film, medium format, large format and of course digital. No one can say that they know everything about photography, because its ever changing and every time you look through the lens, you see and learn something new. 

What photography is to me..

Where ever you are, what ever time it is, how dark or light it is, there is an image and you just have to look. It doesn’t matter if I work in the studio or on location, there is an image to be captured. Portraiture is big part of what I do, we’ve got to pay the bills right? We are all unique and I love the idea of photographing someone for the first time, I find myself looking from every angle as facial expressions and how someone holds themselves. Lighting is a luxury in a studio as you can make contours or shadow and light to make the image, and with every little detail of movement makes a different image from the one before.

Landscape work is a voyage of discovery, even if you visit it time and time again. Seasons, light and changes that happen over time, means you can revisit and discover a new image. Landscape work is not that easy for me being in a wheelchair, yes I’m disabled, but it doesn’t stop me from being a photographer. I love the chase of finding a location that I can make an image from, I often revisit a location throughout the year and even year in year out, as there is always something new to be discovered that I didn’t see before.

Street photography is a passion of love. Our urban areas and people make for a great mix of an image, but you have to look passed the obvious to see something unique, which is exciting, funny or even cryptic. Bristol is extremely multicultural and diverse and you can always find something or someone to be part of street photography. Reflections in glass or water for example, bring the people and objects together that makes for an interesting mix.