For a lot of my landscape work, I use Google Earth to find interesting places to visit. I had gone there a few days back to photograph the Glastonbury Tor, with my camera and drone at sunrise. But when I'm driving home, I'm always on the lookout for places that look interesting.
So that evening I was checking out the possible sites and I found this circle in a field. It looked like a historical site with what look like mounds rising from the ground. But this site is out in the sticks of Glastonbury.
On the day.
The weather at present is cold and chance of a sunrise and plenty of frost to contend with. I went to the other locations I had in mind to photograph and then headed to Great Withy Drove where I had seen this circle.
My idea was to photograph from above to show the circle from directly above, but as I'm limited by law to only go 400ft high, it was difficult to get the whole landscape in the frame. So I went away from the site and but high enough to show the circle in full and where is lays within its surrounds.
So today I loaded the images on the PC and started looking through and it seems that there are couple of t-pees on the site, but looking at the film there was know one moving around, so I don’t know they are abandoned.
But I’ve Google the site to find any information on the landmark and or any images, and to my surprise, there’s nothing. So I'm left wondering why the circle isn’t recorded or there are any images of the site. Is it manmade or historical?
If anyone lives in Glastonbury and knows of this site and can shed any information or direct me to some historical group in Glastonbury, I would be grateful.